Saturday, May 16, 2009

My first sale on IncSpring - Sportickets

I came across the website recently. It's new concept on logo design where designers can upload unused concepts or personal projects and sell them onto the public. Basically instead of creating your company and then paying a Designer to create your logo you instead choose the logo that suits your your business and build it around the logo, interesting no?
Anyway, I got paid $300 for 'Sportickets' a Sports Ticket sales type company not that bad for a stress free afternoon playing around with concepts! Any other designers out there should try it.


Alé Mercado said...

nice one Terry... not a bad idea... sounds completely hassle free for both the designer and the client

Terry Byrne's Designs said...

Hey Terry, How does the brandstack work? is it legit? I need to earn extra money right now that I am laid off. This seems like something that would help. Cool design by the way..

Terry Byrne

Yep same name...

Terry Byrne's Designs said...

Hey Terry, Does this Brandstack work? Is it Legit? I am laid off and looking for some ways to make extra money. Oh and Nice design too.

Terry Byrne

Yep, Same name...

Terry Byrne said...

Hi Terry. Brandstack is totally legit, I must say that I was lucky to sell it so quickly but u may have the same luck.
Saw your site, nice to see that us Terry Byrne's area creative lot. I used to work in the property sector with lots of 3d modellers so I admire your work.
Hey if I ever need another 3d model I'll contact u and see your rates.
All the best,

Terry "K" Byrne!